Category: Uncategorized
5 Things Every Catholic Man Should Be Doing
With Jason Baxter, the executive director of the men’s ministry Exodus 90, the guys discuss “the unique challenges Catholic men face, the role of women in men’s spirituality, the stats about Mass attendance by men, when Catholic men need to hang out with other Catholic men, and why cold showers and exercise can change your life.” Here’s 5…
The Dignity of Work
Fr. Daniel Nolan: Scandal in the Church
Scandal in the Church: A Series of Homilies by Fr. Daniel Nolan, FSSP. Scandal in the Church, Aug. 12, 2018 Download Scandal in the Church, Part 2. Aug. 15, 2018 Download Abuse Statistics in the Church, Sept. 2, 2018 Download The Turn, Sept. 3, 2018 Download By Their Fruits, Sept. 4, 2018 Download What is…
Contraception, NFP, and the Ends of Marriage
Homily on Contraception, NFP, and the Ends of Marriage Fr. Nick VanDenBroeke July 22, 2018 – Immaculate Conception This week is the 50th Anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae, which he wrote to address the question of whether or not contraception was morally acceptable. He very beautifully and rationally articulated the Church’s constant…
This audio reflection from “In Conversation with God” discusses the importance of a well formed conscience.
Cardinal Sarah: High-Ranking Prelates Are Trying To Change Christian Morality
The cardinal also said the West was ‘committing suicide’ by losing its Christian faith Senior churchmen are undermining Church teaching on life, marriage and the family, Cardinal Robert Sarah has said. In a speech in Belgium, the cardinal accused high-ranking prelates from “opulent nations” of trying to modify Christian morality, and attacked pressure groups that…
Transgenderism: A State-Sponsored Religion?
From Public Discourse Disagreement with pro-LGBT policies quickly gets one branded as anti-science. As Jonah Goldberg points out, this is an example of ideology using the language of science to camouflage itself. It turns out that actual science isn’t much help to transgender advocacy. The American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5 notes gender dysphoria desistence rates of 70 to 97…
4 Experts Offer Advice on How to Conquer Porn Addiction
“The addicted need to let go of their shame and reach out for help.” In 2015, the U.S. Catholic bishops approved Create in Me a Clean Heart: a Pastoral Response to Pornography, a statement discussing Church teaching on human sexuality and chastity, why production and use of pornography is always sinful, porn’s disastrous effects on individuals…